Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ok.. so.. I was roughly 15 or so it was 1991ish... Long hair, "heavy" metal, ripped jeans etc.. And Ray and Carol thought.. sure, he can watch out kids (turns out they were right, I was and still am a responsible softy on the inside).. ANYWAY.... So I'm playing with Dan and JoJo in the basement.... pulling off their socks and beating them with it.. and one of the kids find a book on the shelf.. "The Joy of sex".. I am flabbergasted, embarrassed with no idea how to handle the situation.. Those pesky kids thwart my every move to simply move on and forget it.. so, being taller than both of them (oh, the irony now) i opened a ceiling tile and hid it in the ceiling.. to this day, I wonder what happened to it.. Dan grew taller (and taller) and made that his bedroom - so perhaps he remembered it was there (maybe thats why he's so tall?) - perhaps the guys who gutted the mold had a nice surprise??


  1. This is great stuff!!! Keep up the good work. And where is the money shot of your ensemble!?

  2. Is that why we haven't enjoyed sex since 1991? (Yeah right)
